Saturday, February 24, 2007

If I Could Write A Song Like This..

nick,the next Jon Coulton... haha.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


check it out...its worth it...i think.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Slight Pause

So, we've managed to complete this 6 week project on the community centre. personally, i dont think i failed...but i really did hate my design and just the project in general.
i do have to say, it was poorly run and organised...we were subjected to sit through a lot of 'seminars' that were basically 'time fillers'. i cant say that i was a fan of the project leader's teaching skills...she was a nice lady, its jus that her methods were way off. i jus felt very aggrevated durin these past 5 weeks mostly at a sketcher, not a modeller. so, i spent alot of time sketching comin up with concepts but didnt get into construction till the 2nd part of last week.

so ive got a model made of perspex,wood,card,selo tape and shredded wheat..yeah, the breakfast option type.

we're goin to head into week 6, and we are doin 'presentation skills'. i hope its not another time filler cos i think the rest of the uni have reading week.

cant wait to move onto the new project with a different leader...its with my tutor Nick (who calls me 'Chinn' when he forgets my first name or calls me 'Goldfish' when he forgets both...i keep tryin to tell him "its Panda.")

I'm Currently Listening to: "Thriller" by Fall Out Boy

Sunday, February 04, 2007


So...its 1am on the 4th of February 2007.

This is my last day as being a teenager. honestly, thats jus hit me. my last day as a teenager. it feels weird.

now, its gonna be
"Hi..whats ur name?"
" old are u?"

20. i cant believe i will be 2 decades old. i still feel like a 14 year old.
i can actually say, altho ive had prob more downs than ups...ive loved being a teenager. all that awkward stuff you go through, all the things that u think 'depressen' you, the school boy crushes and has actually carved me makin me the person i am. God has thrown all these things in my way and ive come out with a few scratches. sure, they hurt but im here and alive.

am i ready to be 20? no. but i guess thats what we all feel when we start a new chapter.
come to think of it, im not really a kid much as i want to gonna have to be more responsible and more aware of stuff.
im in a state of disbelief that im goin to be 20 years old. hence the number "20" appearing and re-appearin every few words or so.

the twenties...what are they like? what will it be like?

actually, lets break it down..what happened from my teenage years:
- puberty (damn you spots!)
- high school and the prospective thoughts of university
- the pressure to get grades
- not gettin wedgied or bullied
- make great friends
- growing in responsibility and independence

what am i expectin from my 20s:
- the excess of puberty ( guys are awful things)
- pressure from university
- pressure to get the best class i can get from uni
- a job (gulp.)
- more responsibiility and independence
- if God shows, my future wife (GULP.)
- children? ( GULP GULP.)
- money and tax (GULP.)

thats scary. God, please guide me through my twenties as You have guided me through my teenage years. may it be a blessed decade and an ever fruitful one in Your name. Amen. i come! (mom, help me)

I'm Currently Listening to: "Forever Young" by Youth Group (the song is below)

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