Wednesday, March 07, 2007


So...haven't been on here in awhile..i apologise for the lack of updates.

i have been busily tryin to figure out how to design and come up with valid solutions to the building i'm trying to design. our last design project of the year is to do with a Pier. we are to design a building on the in a team of 3 so there are 3 buildings but we are marked indiidually to our respective building so my two friends are doin Shops and Cafe whilst im doin the Ferry Port. this whole year, ive played it safe and have gone with the cubes and minimalistic stylistics but this is the last chance i can get to do somethin far out without gettin hassled on it too much...ive also played it safe and used alot of concrete usually so this time round my main and eye drawing factor will be *drumroll* ..... grass. yes, im goin to try and emphasise the use of grass in my building...this is an initial concept model:
i want to use the circular structures to have a grass texture to be an ode to the cliff which the Pier connects to...hopefully old wooden boardwalks and all things like that...but yeah, im workin quite hard(ish) on this...hopefully it will be a success...not like its goin to be made but what the can dream...

aside from that, everythin else is goin ok...spiritually dry...not feelin like im connectin with people here like i did in brum...God will see to it...ill be patient...

I'm Currently Listening To: "Original Fire" by Audioslave


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