Sunday, November 27, 2005

John Mayer Trio concert video stream on AOL

So...was on AOL music...and they have a full John Mayer Trio concert on their selection of new videos! how wicked awesome is that...?!!
As i said previous on my Live Journal, Mayer has broken free from the i-love-you-so-much-girl songs and has gone into his dreams of playing pop-rock's really enjoyin it so out for the second song on the 1st part "Who did u think i was" ... first single of their new album "Try!" i want that album!
The bassist i think played as a backup for The Who and the drummer i think played for Springsteen...Hence the JM Trio...

go and watch it...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Ross and Adnan Show

So I was checking my mail yesterday afternoon when i received a message in my inbox from my best friend Adnan.
Now...we dont really email each other that much cos we usually speak to each other online or we Skype...we get mail only i guess when the need to really relay a very important message and time just cannot wait cos:

a) we've hit a point of inspiration
b) we will forget cos we are that forgetful

I read the title of the message : "the ross and adnan show"
only i can deduce what could this be all about...well, i thought i did...cos at first i thought some dude went to our old site and mucked up our site by hacking thru...BUT, actually...adnan said "we should update the site a bit. the second slash thrid
series" ...
Now, for those who don't know....Adnan and I couple years ago started a website called "The Ross and Adnan Show"...i think it was basically like a blog but it turned into a proper site with lil character profiles, galleries, secret links to secret stories...and adnan and i used to record our lives and the people around them...stories which made us laugh and cringe...stories which we wanted to remember. Personally, this is where i really started to write and draw inspiration from shows that we used to watch like 'scrubs' and possibly use the Dave Barry way of writing...jus without the excessive use of the word "booger". Sadly, stuff got in the way and we disbanded it...partly also cos i didnt know how to HTML so he was left with all the typing up!

So, time has passed and since we now live in 2 different cities (Birmingham and London), its quite hard not having Adnan around cos he was the guy who was always on the same wavelength as me...we cringed at the same things, laughed and pointed out at things which people dont automatically pick up...

That is why, we have decided to start a new "The Ross and Adnan Show" with Ad...this time drawing comedic inspiration with our favourite show "Arrested Development" (which will soon be cancelled...stupid Fox Network) and stories that we want to relive...the link is on my side bar with the SuperheroHype and My Photoalbum links.

This although probably at times, unappropriate and a waste of time is something i think is a great testimony to being a best friend to someone...
Besides, i think we've matured as people and as no booger jokes from him...and none from me.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

A better day

So..I had one of those days where it has to be good because uve had so many bad ones..

1) it started for gettin a praise for answerin a biology in class like down to the line of my teacher's never good at on the spot questions asked by Mr. Porter...cos:

a)he's 6'4
b)he has a very low booming voice
c)his stare really applies the pressure...especially when u dont know
d)i usually get the answer wrong..
e)his baldness really emphasises the they want to pop out at me...

so i answered this question right and i got a "very good Ross...good answer...*doubles checks the answer in his book..and nods his head with a half-smile*

2) had a laugh with my mom...was talkin to her bout plowin thru...we were also discussing the break-up of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey...she gave me advice of 'pickin the right girl' and 'death to us part...' stuff...was really funny...never made her laugh like continuous that she answered the phone whilst still chucklin...was cool.

3) listenin and re-listenin to "RnB" by Goldie Lookin Chain...not a huge fan of them but i love this song...its really funny...(i know ur shakin ur head Nick...and this will be the only song i will appretiate from em... "Come baby come baby, baby baby come with me..." )

funny stuff..Thank you God...lifted my day in a weird and funny way... :D

Song of the Day: "RnB" by Goldie Lookin Chain (for the hilarity factor)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A sense of unrest


I have been at a state of unrest recently but ironically most of the time watching the world spin my mind, i have a shilloutte of me sittin on a bench and time is fast forwarding but im doin things in real time...
argh....i jus cant seem to find a direction...

was talkin to my form tutor, and he says im jus generally confused as to what i want to do post-KES...i think he's right...
im tryin to take one hurdle at a time but in reality i cant do that anymore...i want to find a direction but there are things in the way...questions, fears, anxieties...Form tutor said "its part of life"...apparently, after my London trip my teacher said he's never seen me so buzzed...should i take notice?

WHAT DO I WANT?! i feel like im wasting the life God has given me..

i know i want to be outta school, i shouldve been...but i dont where tho...i dont want to be like a friend of mine who has no idea what he wants to do and runs his life in slow-mo under his folks' roof...fresh out of school and atm livin a slackers life...appealing as it is for a week...thats not where i want to end up...but it sure feels like it.
Maybe i cant see it because these fears are jus fogging me...takin me another direction forward...its easy to say "clear it" but theres jus too much sometimes...

i want to do things...i want to try and learn my biology notes...I WANT TO...i jus cant seem to face it at the moment...but im gonna try...

i wish i could have a movie of those movie moments where u have really upbeat cool music as the camera pans on u doing work, seeing u suceed, seeing u fail...but ultimately as the music dies finish. you're're done...those moments look easy when they aint...

Song of the Day: "Headlock" by Imogen Heap

Sunday, November 20, 2005

My quick thought for the day - I

" God above put the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
And I dont care what the world throws at me now
We're gonna be allright "

came back from church and i was reminded of how fast God can bless anybody...
Nick just bought a bass ( a red one! ) guitar bout 2 weeks ago and hasnt had the time this week to give a few more test runs...
so last night we agreed to have a lil impromtu 'jam' after service with the song "Salvation is Here" which is a really fun song to play and sing.
we didnt have the chords printed out but then again it was only with the G,Em,D,C and Am chords but Nick didnt know the song as well as i did...obviously he has never jumped around in his room to this song! :P
so we started and it was quite confusing at the start cos obviously its always difficult to start cos we have never really played together before nevermind bout the song!
But by bout half hour, Nick did it! how awesome is that...! was really cool man...with no stresss either! we didnt look like we were gonna go Nick Van Exel on each other too (hopefully i got that Van Exel thing right! or maybe Latrell Spreewell?)...jus as smooth as u like it..we got there... and everythin jus sounds so good with a bass too...
praise God

have a-not-so-stress/bad-week

Song of the day: "Salvation is Here" by Hillsongs

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Superman Teaser Trailer

So...the new film "Superman Returns" teaser trailer is up!
If you know me....then i think you know how much im dying to see this movie...
If you dont...Hi, im ross..nice to meet you...i like Superman!
If you want to watch it, go on "My Links" on the right and click 'Superherohype' and it will lead you to the teaser trailer link...

I was watching it, and Jesus entered my head...bear with me on this...
Jor-El, Superman's real father which is voiced by the late Marlon Brando, speaks throughout the teaser trailer and near the end, he says this:

"They can be a great people Kal-El, they wish to be...they only lack the light to show the way....For this reason above all...their capacity forgot...I have sent them you, my only Son..."

The way i see it from that perspective is that we have the ability to be so much more...but we are lost in evil and temptation (not led by Lex Luthor but from Satan). So God, sent his only Son (JESUS! not Superman) to come and save us from evil...

Its probably a no brainer that line and thought...but that image cropped in my mind as i was watching it...hope it did for you too...

Song of the day: "Hello again" by Tommy Lee

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A long road

So....I wrote my Baptism testimony.
And it was quite difficult at periods of it to write some of the be open...but then again, it has made me realised how much God has changed my life.

I am now literally most of the time a different of my best friends Adnan, who isnt a christian, has definetly noticed the change...and he has been hangin around with me everyday for the past 2-3 years...i think he has noticed that something has happened. and when i look back at that, i am pleased.

10-11 years of my life i have followed God...or try to follow...i cant believe ive known Him for that long but ACTUALLY knowing him has been near on 2 years...its very weird. Well, better late than never.

i dont want to post my testimony on here cos im tired and i guess ull read it on the 11th of December...its not particularly juicy must read stuff but its the most honest account ive had about my encounters with God. And im proud of my journey actually...

So, thank You for puttin me back on the road...

Song of the Day- "Lifesong" by Casting Crowns


Saturday, November 12, 2005

I love my Delorean

Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?
Doctor Emmet Brown: The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?

So...I couldnt find the quote i was lookin for from The Back to the Future series but from speaking to Bert...this is how he explained to me bout our lives with Christ...He drew it quite simply, like how Doc Emmet Brown drew on the board for Marty about the alternate 1985 (bert drew it without the Delorean tho...)

Imagine our life is being driven inside the Delorean along the brown path...we drive along and we arrive to the point to where we are saved by the blood of Christ (the red dotted line)...God sees our lives..he sees the beginning and oversees it all till the end when we pass on...
But God provides us with Jesus' blood which has the power to let us live an alternate alternate ending with a better conclusion (the blue timeline)...Our lives change spiritually and i think the world around us also change in that instant when we accept and take in Jesus into our lives...I guess its also like "The Truman Show" we now act, the cast changes in order to adapt to what we are doing...God, the director, changes the characters and situations to the way we are livin our lives...

Isnt that weird in such a beautiful way? It didnt really strike me till Thursday when Bert was goin over the Post-Encounter lesson...WE ARE LIVIN IN AN ALTERNATIVE TIMELINE...A TIMELINE WHERE GOD HAS CHANGED OUR ENDING...How freakishly cool is that my friends?! Get off the Brown timeline and in ur Delorean, change course...

In the words of Doc Emmet Brown : "GREAT SCOTT!"

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Work to do

So...i was sitting in my chemistry lesson and we had a break during our double period. The conversation developed to the happiness of my teacher, Mr. SImmons...

He believed he was a very happy person...and my friends Daya and Richard started to analyse him, not believing him to be as happy as he says he is. But from where i was sitting, I've always thought of Simmons to be a very cheerful kinda guy..he's about 5"4, has a taste for old cars by MG and in his spare time, runs a website about those old classic cars...
The conversation moved onto religion and Simmons and Richard agreed that problems in the world that cause hate are Nationalism and Religion...Daya disagreed and tried to convice them that religion is what people need in their lives. Sims repsects people who have religion, but only to those who really have that faith in them and not what he says are "happy clappers"...

Sims and Richard then went onto bout how if God was everywhere, why would he let people suffer? where is he when u need him...? this and the was very sad to see these 2 guys...2 generations apart from each other express the same view...

I sat there thinking; "Father, You have alot of work to do"

We are entering into hard times, we dont know whats ahead but i know its goin to be bad, tough and really puts our love for God to the test...Can we survive? Do u know how much you love our Creator? Do u have the faith u think u have...?

I want to know more...I want to defend God in front of all these people..and by that, i want to hit 'em straight with the pure source...So, people...can u pls tell me any awesome verses from the Bible? thank you...

I hope you guys and girls think about jus how deep you are with God...and how we need to save the rest...cos we have a lot to do!

"Ephesians 3:6-7 (New International Version)

6This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.

7I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power. "

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Welcome Welcome

So...the Mumbly Panda has branched out...

Reason for a new branch:
This will now be the place where I can truly express my feelings without covering it up when i want to.My livejournal has been somewhat used against me recently which hasnt done me any favours...ill still update the LJ from time to time but it will prolly be pretty shallow and small posts...this is now where its at. Altho, ill miss LJ tho..shared some good times with it.

So if ur readin this...may i please beg of u to not mention on the LJ site bout this one...that would be grand.

Thank You!
God Bless

-Mumbly Panda-

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