Sunday, May 28, 2006

Young Mind,Old Body

So...ever thought why when you were younger...and you were playin sports with ur dad or someone around the same age as play...then they go;

" half-dead!" and you, cos u were full of vim and vitality would be like:

"Don't be such a wuss!keep playin!" ... and ud see them, like trudgin along...restin their arms on their waists...lookin like they jus completed the marathon when in actual fact, they've only played a round of HORSE with u? i never understood that...till this weekend.
this weekend, ive been running around tryin to recapture my peak health, which was in 1988 which was when i could start walkin rather than lie on my belly all day, by playin basketball on saturday and frisbee on sunday.

now, i love basketball...been playin since i was 7 and the *swish* sound that u struggle to achieve by shootin the ball into the basket without touchin the rim is the greatest sound in the world. so natural, so delicate, so awesome. but to run around with all the guys who are only jus reachin their peak physical condition and their peak height which is anythin taller than me, you start to wonder jus how long you are goin to last for...with or without my Charles Barkley jersey. well..i survived the 2 hour session with nothin more than a dead leg, a bad back, worn out arm muscles from the shooting actions and wonderment of what it would be like if i was 2 inches taller. 2 hours later... this is when the "old man syndrome" decided to kick in. body jus shuts down...everythin is a a chore ur mom sets u on the hour after u jus finished ur last exam...u feel slightly dizzy...u want more water...then, you want to u decide u wont drink water cos it then takes an effort to move that bag of bones to the bathroom...u want to eat but u feel full from the sense uve jus played sports. ur muscles ache. but as matt tells me "dont be so fat". so i get on with it.

today, i thought id take advantage of the fact there was a frisbee game available since the weather has not been awesome recently and what the hey, i like to see gavin chase after a frisbee...there were 2 frisbees on the go...a normal old skool frisbee (which we used later) and a orange frisbee which looked like a ring so it was easier to catch...gavin gave me his best Xena Warrior Princess impression.... "YAIIYAIIYAIIYAIYAIIIIII.....!!!"

"So Take That, MIchael Flatley and Xena eh?"

anyway, i decided because im not a great frisbee thrower (i launched Xena's ring of justice onto the tallest tree around...luckily Kenneth's Shoe of Avengence was around for it's special move), i thought i could be a good running back cos:
a) i dont wanna stand around and count blades of grass
b) no one suspects the fat guy to run
c) no one suspects ross the fat guy to run

and it worked out pretty alot of great feeds from my team and scored quite a few touch downs...till "old man syndrome" came in...u know ur gettin old when u detect an injury that uve never felt before..this was my butt...i have no idea what kind of spasm happened...but everytime i ran around...there was this zinger of pain...but what they hey...100% heart baby. carried on till the the same after effects now...

man...the body wont move...only for food, playstation, water (if the tank aint full yet) and a few things that ive forgotten...i think the old man syndrome is catchin up with my mind too...wait, whats my name again?

I'm currently listening to: "Earthquakes and Sharks" by Brandtson


At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude. you aint fat yo.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Mumbly Panda said...

thanks..but after the bbq...say hello pot belly...


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBQ! was yummy. i havent eaten that much meat in a LOOOOOOOOOONG time.

At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you aint fat dude, we is all built different, smile please, and we all have pot belly's afta food, silly billy. have a nice day hehehe

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Mumbly Panda said...

meat is good. sorry animals...but u jus taste great with marinated sauce and a variety of spices.
pot belly...eww...mine is hanging...loosely.

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