Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Microsoft tryin to upload some music...well, not some...quite a fair bit...i thought my ears deserve a bit of an update when they walk around the streets of some new Hillsong stuff, Rufus Wainwright, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, We are Scientists (salute to Miss Kwan), The Working Titles, Sufjan Stevens....stuff like that.

Connect my Phillips player to the USB ports and up the far so good...its loadin...the percentage loading bar is slowly increasing...nice...its my brothers Microsoft computer since my mp3 player is not compatible with the iMac...if i only had the power of foresight, i shouldve bought an iPod...and there was my stint on getting somethin "different"...pah.
then it "Encounters a problem", exit program and start again..."Encounters a problem"...this goes on for 20 minutes...forget it...maybe tomoro...

*24 hours later*

"COME ON?!!!!"

so totally up this cyber creek without a paddle...what the heck am i gonna do now?

shouldve got an iPod...


cant wait for my Phillips mp3 player to kaput...ill probably go bored of the songs before it kaputs itself anyway...

iD Big the BCEC near the MailBox be there or be square i guess...square is not good...gettin thru doors could be a problem...

PS- Didnt draw that picture...found it while surfin for somethin along the lines of that

Song of the Day: "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright (cover from Buckley's...solid version)


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